Saturday, December 8, 2007

Our Saturday together

Well, it was our one Saturday together today. I have to work the remaining ones this month. But, that's ok, cause I think we made the best out of the one we had. The kids and I went to this fun place called Leo's place in Idaho Falls. We met my girlfriend Karla and her kids there for lunch and playtime. Leo's place is a lot like Chucky Cheese for those of you that have been there. So as you can imagine all the kids had a fabulous time! There was pizza, and pop a pleanty. They were worn out and Kaden and the baby slept peacefully in the car on the way home, while Jackson read in the backseat and chated with his mom. Tonight we're off to a Christmas party, so the kids will have even more fun before the day is over. I just want to share something so sweet that my first born son did this school this month that have had something called "Candy Grams" The purpose of these is to buy a candy gram and give it to a friend. So on Thursday morning Jackson was so excited cause I gave him the fifty cents it cost for a Candy Gram. He was really looking forward to buying one for his buddy Easton. So that afternoon he came running in the back door all excited to tell me about his experience when in his hand I see he is holding something. He was so excited, he blurt out "I bought a Candy Gram for my brother!" I could see he had neatly written to Kaden from Jackson on the slip of paper accompaning the candy cane. He handed it over proudly to his little brother along with a big hug and kiss. I in turn gave Jackson and big hug and kiss and told him how proud I was of him. It makes my heart so happy to see the brotherly relationship developing!!!!


Anonymous said...

What a great mom you are!What a cool big bro! That is a great story to share :) Thanks!! Just tuck that memory in your heart for the days that will come when you think they are not going to ever be friends. Have a great LORDS day.

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of my grandson Jackson! He sure can be a sweety! I'm glad he loves his little brother!
Love, Grammy