Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Just Another Day

Well, nothing much exciting has gone on the last couple of days. Our anniversary dinner was pizza from Pizza Hut. Kaden was very excited to give the check to the delivery man and very politely said "Thank you Pizza Hut" (My thoughts exactly!) Jackson gets to "ride" the Polar Express today at school. He was most excited that he gets to take his blanket and his woobie to school to enjoy it with him. I keep thinking that he's going to outgrow wanting his coveted woobie with him where ever he goes, but he hasn't so far. I have created monsters with all of my children and their lovies. Each one of them has one and they are all worn, but they are loved so much by the kids! If one is ever missing a search party is sent out at our house for them. Grandpa has specifically mad his house a "NO WOOBIE ZONE" much to Jacksons dismay! So if the boys ever want to spend the night, they leave them at home. I guess with Grandpa around they feel safe enough! I was able to get my Christmas presents wrapped on Sunday. It's been a job to keep them boys out of them. My mother in law and father in law stopped by last night and brought the kids an early present. It's this Fisher Price Manger scene! They just love it and it is so stinkin cute!! Thanks Wanda for the present!! Well, that's all that's going on for now. A certain someone I know has a important day tomorrow and she's feeling OLD!!! Maybe the day will pass and no one will notice and I can be 26 for another year!!!


Anonymous said...

That is a 'stinkn' cute manger scene! I wish I had one like that when the kids were little. I always like one that the kids and touch, move and play out the story.
You are NOT OLD! You are only as old as you think...therefore I am still 18! hehe My kids think I am pretty childish sometimes anyway :)
I did get the cards done and am doing baking today. So who knows, maybe I will actually get things done on time!
Love and Hugs to you each :)

a. susie