Sunday, January 27, 2008

A Blustery Day

Sunday today......and it is a windy Sunday at that! The wind has been blowing all morning and now this afternoon too. It snowed just a skif while the kids and I were headed to church, but it didn't last long. Now is just windy and cold. A good day to stay in side and curl up with a good book I say.......

It seems like everyone I know is talking about the Twilight series...... So my curiosity was peaked and I read the first one. It was seriously delicious! So, now I'm onto the second one! I am loving every minute of it and hope that the second and third are as good as the first was! So...thanks to everyone who recommended them! I am just love love loving them!!!
I work the next 3 days at the hospital and then the weekend at Home Health. Never an idle moment in my life! I'm going to relax today and just read. The boys are busy with Gameboys and Jeff is finding some sports show of some kind to keep him entertained I'm sure. He's very excited for the Super Bowl next Sunday. The culmination of the year in football. I say BORING!! Darn I have to work!
Hope everyone has a spectacular week!

Friday, January 25, 2008

A hoe hum day

Today is last day off since I work tomorrow.....It's going to be kind of a bummer day because I have a funeral to go to this afternoon and then a wake to go to tonight. This afternoon's funeral is for a girlfriend who lost her twins at 24 weeks gestation. Soooooo it won't be much fun at all!!! Tonight will be another sad night...its for another girlfriends dad who passed away..... Double yuck day!

But, later this afternoon I get to see my friend Nicole, so I'm sure she'll put a smile on my face! We don't have anything exciting planned this weekend. The kids get to spend tomorrow with their dad, so they always think that's fun!

Is it just me, or is January not a super depressing month? Christmas is over, money is short, the weather is definetly blah! AUGH!! I can hardly wait for spring! I need flowers and sunshine badly!!!

Maybe my next blog won't be so sad sounding! I'll work on that! No worries, we're all doing super fantastic!!! Hope all you are too!!!!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

Whew!!! I'm tired just thinking back over the last few days! It's been pretty busy. Mainly just because it was my weekend to work at home health so I haven't been home much. But today is the start of 3 days off so I can catch up on lots of things! Today I took Kaden for an eye exam. I have been finding him with his face right up next to the tvs lately and he keeps telling me that he can't see. So I figured since we have eye insurance, might as well get his eyes examined! I'm happy to report that he can see great and doesn't need glasses! He was just foolin his mama. That mama is such a sucker sometimes! Hahaha He did so great at the office and I couldn't resist taking some pictures!

Everyone else is doing great. Jackson has grandparents night at school tomorrow night so he's pretty excited about that! He has his reading level tested at school last week, so he's happy that he can start picking some more advanced books to read! Then he goes to school and takes a test on the computer when he's have finished it. He thinks that pretty neat!

Brooklyn has started offically on fruits and vegies and is loving everything she tries! It's so fun to see how excited she gets when she is sitting in her high chair! I'm getting her 6 month pictures taken today, so I'll be sure to post some when I get them!

I get to have lunch with a dear friend tommorow who I haven't seen since May. She moved to Las Vegas, but I'm happy to say she's back so I'm excited to see her! Love ya Nicole!

Hope everyone is doing as spectacular as we are!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Big Girl!!

Well, she did it! Brooklyn learned how to roll over from her belly to her back finally! And she also laughed! Jeff figured out what to do to make her do it! I was beginning to wonder if she even had a sense of humor at all. I tried to tickle her last night and she burst into tears! But, at least now I know that she can belly laugh and it was so wonderful to listen to! I kept making Jeff repeat what he was doing so I could hear her do it for longer!

Not much has gone on this week. Jackson did have an award assembly at school where he received a few awards for having perfect attendance. He was pretty excited about that. Too bad I missed it....I was working.

Tonight we're going out to dinner with my sister and her family and my mom for my mom's birthday. She chose Apple bees and we haven't been there in awhile so it wil be a fun time I'm sure. It's always wild when you take children out to eat at a restaurant!

Hope everyone is doing great!

Monday, January 14, 2008

Brown Eyed Girl

Our brown eyed baby girl is 6 months old today! I can't even believe it! She has changed so much in 6 short months! I think each child I have had seems to grow up faster then the one before! She is definetly the little princess in our family and is a great baby to end on. God knew what he was doing when he blessed us with her to round out our family! She has learned to sit up alone, but has yet to even try to roll over. I think she's the only baby I have had that wasn't rolling over by this point! But, that's totally fine with me! She's our "chunky monkey" and we wouldn't have her any other way! Her brothers absolutley adore her, as well as her daddy and I! We love you Sister and can't even begin to imagine life without you!

Friday, January 11, 2008

No School!!!

Today there was no school for Jackson. Something about Record Day. I swear kids these days are out of school more often then they are in it! I don't think I was ever out of class as much as they are! But, we took full advantage of the day off. We went to a place in town called The Outer Limits with Kassandra, Paxton and Tessa. The kids had fun playing on the gym toy and playing token games with me. Chicken Strips and fries for lunch was the common choice among all the boys! So it was a good time together. Jackson and Kaden chose these dracula teeth with their tickets from the games. The picture of Brooklyn is just from her nap today. I didn't want her to be left out! We don't have any big plans for the weekend. I have to work tomorrow so it will be Daddy day tomorrow for the kids! Hope everyone is doing well and not buried too much in snow! We haven't had any snow fall hardly at all this week, but I know many other people got quite a bit this week!

Thursday, January 10, 2008


I copied this from Trisha's blog. Thanks!!
Take this test!
You're a bold, confident orange. A warm, powerful color that indicates a strong, welcoming personality, orange is the mark of people who are social and extroverted by nature. Vibrant, with an upbeat attitude, you have a bright, inviting demeanor. Energetic and fun-loving, you're a real friend-magnet. Your easy charm and unassuming manner make you the sort of person people want to meet and get to know better. Well-rounded and fun to be around, you enjoy helping others, so it's no surprise that orange also symbolizes attraction. Orange is an extraordinary color — for an extraordinary person.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008


Brooklyn had her first bites of cereal last night. I thought I would share a few pictures. She will be 6 months old on Monday, so I thought it was close enough to let her start eating some solid foods. She loved it! So I guess now baby food will be added to my grocery list!

Monday, January 7, 2008


Monday Monday........It was back to the work week for the Yearsley family. Nothing too exciting..... I forgot to mention that Jackson had lost his second tooth last week. He was so anxious to get back to daycare cause in his mind Paula is the only one that can pull teeth the right way! Thank heavens! I think losing teeth is DISGUSTING!!! I refuse to aid him in the pulling of any loose tooth he has! So he was happy to return to Paula's house after school last Wed and promptly had her pull his tooth as soon as he walked through the door! So, the toothfairy made a last minute stop at our house at 7am on Thursday morning! Good thing that toothfairy remembered to leave the dollar under the pillow before she woke a little boy up for school! Silly toothfairy! She must be sleep deprived!

Jeff and I took the kids to see Alvin and the Chipmunks last night. It was a great family time and the best part was we had popcorn and soda for dinner which meant that mom didn't have to cook! AMEN!!! I love to have a break from cooking and cleaning once in awhile! I figure a junk food dinner every so often won't kill them or stunt their growth too much! The kids loved the movie! It was pretty cute, although mom and dad would like to see a grown up movie soon! I guess there will be pleanty of time to catch up on grown up movies someday! There will come a day when the kids would rather go to the movies with their friends then with their parents! So for now I will enjoy all the kid movies I can!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Get Togethers

Whew!!! What a busy week we have had. We're back to our routine! YEAH!! Work was kind of slow with the holiday, but I'm sure it will be back to norm starting tomorrow. This weekend was busy with family get togethers. Yesterday we got together with Jeff's familiy, there was 22 of us at the Chuck-A-Rama in Idaho Falls! Talk about wild! With 10 little boys all under the age of 7 and one little baby girl, it was fun fun fun! The Chuck-A-Rama was a great idea for lunch cause all the kids could get what they wanted and there was no waiting! Then last night when we got back, we had dinner with my family including my dads brother, Randy, and my sister and her family. We were celebrating my dads birthday which is today. It was a fantastic meal of prime rib, potatoes, salad, and I made pumpkin cake. That prime rib was AWESOME! Thanks Randy for cookin! Nothing too exciting going on in the lives of the Yearsley's right now. But we'll keep you posted! Hope everyone is doing great!

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Happy 2008!!!

Happy 2008 to all of our dear family and friends!

With the new year comes many New Years Resolutions for our family! They include Kaden becoming potty trained! (Ok, that's one of mine!), losing some extra baby weight (Ok, mine again!) , eating out less. (Alright, so these will all be for me!!!) But on the serious side, I hope that a resolution for our little family this year will be to spend more time together, and remembering just how lucky we truly are! I really want to try and embrace the saying at the top of my blog.....We may not have it all together, but together we have it all. Often times I myself tend to get too caught up in the day to day hustle and bustle and loose sight of the important things in life. So I may only get my floor mopped once a month, is this such a horrible thing if I have been able to spend quality time with my kids? Probably not. Is it a bad thing that we may not have the latest and greatest electronic gizmo? Again, no, if my kids have clothes to wear without holes in them and there is food in their bellies!

I was stressing at work one day about how I feel like my house is just not ever clean enough, and my friend told me something that they had heard....Your house should be clean enough to be healthy, but dirty enough to be happy! So I am really trying to learn to "let things go" and live in the moment with my kids. Because as many wise women whose children are grown and gone say, "Time goes by so quickly" I myself need to remember this in the coming year of 2008.

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. It is nice that we have gotten back into our routine! May this coming year find all of you healthy, but more importantly.....HAPPY and TOGETHER!!!!