Sunday, February 17, 2008

Ta Da!!!!

Well, here it is....... We got a 2007 Dodge Durango......We just couldn't bring ourselves to do the mini van thing. They told us that the gas milage isn't really that different, so we'll see. After I fill this sucker up a couple times I'll decide if it was worth it or not!!! Any one want to donate to the Yearsley gas fund? :) This week will be a busy one...the kids have swim lessons Mon and Wed. Brooklyn and I are leaving for Boise on Wed afternoon so I can attend a perinatology conference. It'll be nice to get away for a few days! So if the posts are short, that's why... Jackson doesn't have school tomorrow. He was excited about that! He gets to go to Daycare all day, which basically means he gets to play gamecube with his buddy all day! Fun!

My dad told me a funny story about Jackson today from yesterday. He watched the boys for us while we went and signed our life away! I guess he had taken the boys to his friends house to feed their horses, well the house is a Log house. Jackson told grandpa how he was sad that his friends were poor cause they could only afford a house of Lincoln Logs. Kids say the funniest things sometimes!

Hope everyone has a fabulous week!!