Friday, January 25, 2008

A hoe hum day

Today is last day off since I work tomorrow.....It's going to be kind of a bummer day because I have a funeral to go to this afternoon and then a wake to go to tonight. This afternoon's funeral is for a girlfriend who lost her twins at 24 weeks gestation. Soooooo it won't be much fun at all!!! Tonight will be another sad night...its for another girlfriends dad who passed away..... Double yuck day!

But, later this afternoon I get to see my friend Nicole, so I'm sure she'll put a smile on my face! We don't have anything exciting planned this weekend. The kids get to spend tomorrow with their dad, so they always think that's fun!

Is it just me, or is January not a super depressing month? Christmas is over, money is short, the weather is definetly blah! AUGH!! I can hardly wait for spring! I need flowers and sunshine badly!!!

Maybe my next blog won't be so sad sounding! I'll work on that! No worries, we're all doing super fantastic!!! Hope all you are too!!!!


Jessica Potter said...

OH My gosh Kris that is so sad. I dont know if Candy told you but I had a baby boy who only lived for an hour last year. Its so hard and sad and tell your friend to grieve her own way.. dont let anyone tell her how she should feel. If she needs support let me know.. I go to a group down here that is a support group for girls who's babies have died.

Soccer Mom said...

Sorry to hear about all your sadness. Hope things start to get better! Talk to you soon!
Loves to all!!! XOXOXO

Anonymous said...

Ditto to your friend Jessica's comment on grieving your own way! No one can do it for you or tell you 'how' you should do it! SO sorry I have missed these few days with you! praying for you my sweet niece! :)

Aunt Susie