Friday, January 18, 2008

Big Girl!!

Well, she did it! Brooklyn learned how to roll over from her belly to her back finally! And she also laughed! Jeff figured out what to do to make her do it! I was beginning to wonder if she even had a sense of humor at all. I tried to tickle her last night and she burst into tears! But, at least now I know that she can belly laugh and it was so wonderful to listen to! I kept making Jeff repeat what he was doing so I could hear her do it for longer!

Not much has gone on this week. Jackson did have an award assembly at school where he received a few awards for having perfect attendance. He was pretty excited about that. Too bad I missed it....I was working.

Tonight we're going out to dinner with my sister and her family and my mom for my mom's birthday. She chose Apple bees and we haven't been there in awhile so it wil be a fun time I'm sure. It's always wild when you take children out to eat at a restaurant!

Hope everyone is doing great!


Soccer Mom said...

Have fun tonight and tell your mom Happy Birthday from us. We always do the buffet, that way our kids can eat immediately and not have to wait for their food!!! Congrats on getting her to roll over. That was always a big one!
Loves!! XOXOXO

Jeff Haynes said...

Hey Kris!!!
Thanks for your comment!!! A. Susie let me know about yours!! Soo happy to see you all are doing well!