Happy 2008 to all of our dear family and friends!
With the new year comes many New Years Resolutions for our family! They include Kaden becoming potty trained! (Ok, that's one of mine!), losing some extra baby weight (Ok, mine again!) , eating out less. (Alright, so these will all be for me!!!) But on the serious side, I hope that a resolution for our little family this year will be to spend more time together, and remembering just how lucky we truly are! I really want to try and embrace the saying at the top of my blog.....We may not have it all together, but together we have it all. Often times I myself tend to get too caught up in the day to day hustle and bustle and loose sight of the important things in life. So I may only get my floor mopped once a month, is this such a horrible thing if I have been able to spend quality time with my kids? Probably not. Is it a bad thing that we may not have the latest and greatest electronic gizmo? Again, no, if my kids have clothes to wear without holes in them and there is food in their bellies!
I was stressing at work one day about how I feel like my house is just not ever clean enough, and my friend told me something that they had heard....Your house should be clean enough to be healthy, but dirty enough to be happy! So I am really trying to learn to "let things go" and live in the moment with my kids. Because as many wise women whose children are grown and gone say, "Time goes by so quickly" I myself need to remember this in the coming year of 2008.
I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season. It is nice that we have gotten back into our routine! May this coming year find all of you healthy, but more importantly.....HAPPY and TOGETHER!!!!