Sunday, June 8, 2008

Update at Last!!!

So sorry for how slow I've been! My excuse is that my computer has caught a virus and runs at a snails pace! So everytime I get on to update, I get frustrated and give up!! But today, I decided that I had to do it! So.... Jeff's birthday cake is the pic on the bottom. It's a pool table obviously. Everyone thought it was cute and it tasted amazing! Yummy chocolate, can't go wrong!

The boys and I had a date night on Friday night. We went to Idaho Falls and ate at Leo's place, the went to see my girlfriend and her kids in a dance performance of The Wizard of Oz. It was so fun to watch! The boys really loved it! Kaden kept asking about the witch. My friend Karla was one of the witches in it, so after the show we hunted her down for a pic. As you can see Jackson thinks she looks fabulous. Where's Kaden you ask? He's standing with his face buried in my legs crying big crocodile tears saying "I don't like the witch" Oh well.... Now when he starts having nightmares about green faced witches, I won't have anyone to blame but myself. Besides that though, the performance was wonderful and we had a great date!!

Not to much else happening right now. Jackson continues playing TBall and Football. I get to finally make it to a TBall game on Wed, so I'll take some pics then and post them as soon as I get some patience!


Soccer Mom said...

Awesome cake!!! That is way to cool! Lizzy would have loved the Wizard of Oz! Keep us updated!!!

Angie said...

What time does Jackson play on Wed? Braedon plays at 9:00 on green. Tomorow they play at the same time so I think Wanda and Hope are going to try to find each other. I wonder if their teams will ever play each other. It's weird because Braedon barely made the deadline by a couple weeks so he his playing with much older kids! He loves it though. Maybe we'll see you at the fields sometime!!

coffeeisaneed said...

Wow! did you make the cake? I like it, I love it, I want some more of it! Wish I could take my great nephew's on a date night :(! Hey chick are you coming to Lisa's wedding? Hope so! Lots and lots of love to you.

Yours truly said...

that cake is awesome. Did you make it? Well sounds like you guys had fun.