Thursday, April 9, 2009


Well, this is hopefully what little K man will be doing tomorrow night. Holding on tight for dear life. He's so excited, I really hope he gets his chance to ride. Every one keep their fingers crossed for us please!! We'll let you know how it turns out and I will of course take some pictures of the little cow poke. He has his boots, hat, and Wrangler shirt all ready to go.....


Deb said...

can't wait to see the pictures. I remember well the pictures of you kids doing this!!! Too precious!

Thanks for keeping your blog up so well.

I REALLY miss all of you so much!

Kisses and hugs to everyone!

Soccer Mom said...

I hope he gets to!!! How fun! Takes lots of pics! Good Luck!!!

Shane and Aly said...

We saw him on there! What a cute brave boy!