Thursday, February 5, 2009

Week in Review....

What a week!!! So many fun things happened during the weekend.

Jackson had his first basketball game. He LOVED it! He's never played basketball before, so he was anxious to try it. He did so great! He even made a basket!! The smile on his face was huge and his arms went up in the air! We can't wait for his game next Saturday!

On Saturday, we also went to the roller skating rink in town. I'd post pics, but they turned out really dark, so you can't make out whos who. The boys loved it. Jackson spent a lot of time on the ground, but that boy just wouldn't give up! He'd fall and get right back up! Talk about determined! They let you stroll your little ones around in a stroller while you're skating, so even Miss B got to participate. She thought it was fabulous! Kaden thought it was alright. After falling down a couple times, he'd had enough. So he just enjoyed eating pizza and playing on the big toy they have there.

On Saturday night, I knew we were going to be going to church on Sunday morning, so I attempted to put curlers in Brooklyns hair. She has been doing really well holding still these days when I do her hair in the mornings. It's so much fun having a girl and doing new styles everyday. So the curlers went in great, but as soon as I laid her down she yanked them out. So I think next time we'll just put them in in the morning and let them dry. It was hilarious doing it though, cause it brought back memories of my sister and I having our hair put in curlers on Saturday nights!!

My mom bought Brooklyn this dress a couple years ago at the State Fair believe it or not. It finally fits, and I have to say that she was so stinkin cute! She kept touching her dress and saying "pretty" She is such a girl!!! I love it!!

We've all had colds this week, so we're all a little sleep deprived and grumpy, but hopefully we're getting better soon! Jackson is still doing great in school. He was excited to show me his spelling test Tuesday night cause he'd gotten 100%. He's been doing wonderfully in his reading too. Kaden is loving preschool at Paulas too. This week was the letter T. He took a Thomas the Train book to share and they made turtles. I took Brooklyn to the Dr yesterday for her well child check up. She weighed in at 29 lbs. She's doing great and has learned to follow some short directions. She's learning more and more words everyday. It dawned on me yesterday as she was standing on the scale that she's not a baby anymore, but a toddler. She looks so grown up....sigh...


Soccer Mom said...

Sounds like basketball is going great!!! Brooklyn is so stinkin' cute! She weighs as much as my Brylee!!!! Adorable!

Moon Light said...

You do have adorable kids! They are all so fun and active....can't wait to watch you in the 'teen' section of life! But don't rush!!!

