Well, this last week has been a busy on!! We're here and doing well though. I moved and am settled into the "brown house". The kids are happy with their new set of bunk beds. We've been enjoying our days together hanging out and watching movies at night.
Jackson is doing well in school so far. He breezed through his homework without a problem, and is continuing to read just fabulously!! Kaden and I are enjoying our extra time together just him and I while Jackson is in school and Brooklyn is napping. Plus, I'm enjoying just having two kids while I run errands. You wouldn't think not having one would make that much of a difference, but it sure does.
We spent yesterday in Blackfoot, watching the parade and then enjoying the fair together with my mom and sister and her two kids. The boys love lookin at all the animals. We also watched Erica do her demonstration on how to shear a sheep. The boys were mesmerized.
This next week will be a busy one. I work tomorrow, Labor Day, and then I take off to Utah after work. My grandpa will be having triple bypass surgery. So if everyone could remember him and my family in your prayers this week. We'll be at McKay Dee in Ogden most of the week. We're all a little nervous to say the least, but we know he's in good hands. I'll be coming back either Tuesday night or Wednesday, to have my days with the kids, then they spend the weekend with their dad. I'll be working home health this weekend. So you may not get another post for a bit. Hope everyone is doing well.....
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Doing Great!!!
Posted by Kris at 3:13 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Clean Teeth, New School, New House....
Well, it been awhile since I posted last. So sorry!! Not too much going on until this week.
The boys had a dentist appointment. Jackson has an old filling that needs repaired, but other then that they both got clean teeth awards!! The denist they go to is so cute. The waiting room is decorated so cute! They have a huge tooth fairy flying from the ceiling. Makes me wish that they took adult patients instead of just pediatric!!
Jackson also had his first day of second grade!! He posed himself in the pictures I took. In one he's holding up peace signs. He told me this means peace out mom. My little gangster. His teacher this year has a reputation of being quite strict. I'm hoping that that will help Jackson. He definetly needs discipline!! Hopefully he'll come out a better student. So we'll just wait and see. So far so good. He seems to like her just fine.
I've found a townhouse to rent. I move on Monday. I'm hoping to get most everything put away by the time the kids come on Wednesday night. But, we'll see. It's a really cute place, came with a washer and dryer. The place has been well taken care of and it looks practically brand new. I drove the kids by and they seem excited. The place is brown siding, so now Kaden associates where he's going by either the brown house or the yellow house. Kind of cute I think. They seem to be adjusting well to the changes. I think it'll be good to have our own place with our own routine. Although, we've all enjoyed being at Grandmas, we're excited for our own home again. I'll let ya know how moving goes!
Hope everyone has an enjoyable weekend!!
Posted by Kris at 2:09 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Everyday Life.....
We've been pretty dang busy this last week or so!!! So, I'll do my best to catch you all up on the comings and goings of us.....
Let's go back to last Thursday... We went to the summer movie at the Reel Theater. It was Horton Hears a Who. The boys loved it!! Miss B however....is not the least bit interested in movies! Imagine that huh? But she happily crawled around the theater aisles and enjoyed sneaking popcorn off the floor when her mommy wasn't watching. We went with a couple gals from work and their kids. My friend Susan has a litle boy named Jacob that is the same age as Kaden. They had fun together. At one point they were sitting on the front row together thinking that they were pretty hot stuff!! But, they also enjoyed that they were both potty training. The little boys and I made 3 trips to the bathroom during the course of that 1 1/2 hour movie!!! But it was a great time spent together.
That night I left to my quick weekend trip to the Seattle area for my cousins wedding. This was a huge accomplishment for myself since...... I HATE TO FLY!!! After much anxiety, I landed safely at SEA-TAC airport it was a busy couple days with family. The wedding had all the key components...a beautiful bride, great food, and of course....the father daughter dance where all the dads were crying just as much as the daughters. (Thanks for that dad!!!) I drove back with Dad, Teresa, and Erika. We pulled back home at 1 am.... remember everyone that I work at 445am! So...needless to say I was pretty dang exhausted Monday!! Not to mention quite grumpy too!!
I worked today, but now am off till Saturday. The kids are with me until Friday night. So we enjoyed dinner together tonight, thus the corn pictures. It was really tastey and everyone loved it!! Jackson will be getting registered for 2nd grade on Thursday, other then that, not much planned for the rest of the week....
Hope everyone is doing well, and enjoying the last few weeks of summer vacation!
Posted by Kris at 8:02 PM 2 comments