Friday, May 9, 2008

Whew....Another Week!!!

Another week week just flew by!! Man I swear I wake up and it's Sunday and before I know if it's Friday again! So I worked Mon-Wed. this week. I also work this weekend at home health, so I'll be pretty busy the next while. Next week I work an odd schedule. I took Saturday off so I can attend my cousins graduation in Twin. It'll be fun to see extended family again!! So I work Mon Tues, have a class Wed night, then work Thurs. Whew....makes me tired just thinking about it!

The kids are doing good. Jackson got signed up for flag football this week. That should be starting the beginning of June I think. I love watching football!! I'm a total side lines mom, mom tends to yell louder then I do!! I may have to work on that this year!!! T Ball will be starting about the same time, so there will be sports pictures on soon! Kaden has calmed some this week. I think he sensed his death was near if he kept up his antics, so he backed off. Brooklyn had a well baby check up yesterday. She weighs 21 lbs. and is 27 inches long. I swear she weighs 30 but I guess the scale doesn't lie!! The Dr was asking me does she, does she pull her self, does she pick up her feet to walk if you hold her I smiled at him and said..."Listen Doc, she just mastered the whole rolling thing...a princess can not be pushed. He laughed, said she is totally fine with everything. He thinks her size has a lot to do with her being behind on things. I told him I'm not worried. I like that she is immobile!! I have to chase her brothers around ya know!!!

I did get a call from Jeff on Monday while I was at work. He went to pick up Jackson from the bus....Guess Jackson. Hmmmmm So I called around to a couple friends, no they hadn't seen Jackson. I called the school, talked to his teacher. A search party was sent out at the school. Everyone looking. Jeff called me fifteen minutes later or so. Said Jackson had walked home from school with a couple sixth graders from the neighboorhood!!! It's like 6 blocks!!! WHAT!?!?! So I called the school called off the search party after apologizing profusely!!! I swear these boys are going to give me gray hair!!! But, he was safe and hopefully has learned a lesson!!! RIDE THE BUS!!!

Hope all the moms out there have a super wonderful Mother's Day! To the two special moms of Jeff and I.....Thank you for all of the love and support you offer us everyday! We love you both very very much, even on the days we don't say it! Have a great weekend everyone!!

(Thanks Aunt Deb for the clothes!!! Don't they look cute!!!)


Angie said...

Holy cow! I can't believe Jackson walked home! That's a good walk! Tyler didn't get off the bus once and your heart just hits the floor. Turned out he just missed it. Kinda scary these kids think nothing can happen to them!

Soccer Mom said...

Lizzy's bus driver forgot to drop her off once. I was totally paniced. New to the area and no family! What little farts they are!!!! Have a wonderful MOTHER'S DAY and stop working so dang hard!!!! Loves to all!

Moon Light said...

Hmmm I think that walking home thing sounds like deja vu :) I know all about that gray hair and boys! Just find the funny and keep telling yourself "This too will pass" =D

Can't wait to see's Our turn for a party!!


a. susie

Deb said...

How darling!!! They look so sweet and innocent here... Glad the clothes fit! Wish I was around to do this more often.
Well hopefully Jackson learned a good lesson about being where you expect him to be and at the right time..... This is so hard for a parent and I think that most of us have experience something like this. Reality hits hard when it happens and really puts things into perspective. Not a lot of fun.
Happy Mothers Day....take some time for YOU and enjoy your day!
Love you!!

Deb said...

Hang in there Kris.... someday you will look back on all of this and you will laugh. Well at least at most of it. There is nothing more frightening than a missing child. I think most of us have experienced this at one time or another and it's at that point when you know what really matters in this life....and that is your loved ones.... everything else fades out of existance.....
Glad the clothes fit...they look so sweet! Wish I was around to do that more often!
Please take care of yourself and don't work so hard!!! You have a full plate just taking care of these three precious little ones!
Love you!!
Happy Mother's Day!!!