Wednesday, July 23, 2008

An Afternoon of Fun.....

The kids and I had a great afternoon with my friend Kim and her kids Eben and Tenley. We ate the automatic choice when you have 5 kids under the age of 7..... McDonalds!!! After the cheeseburgers and nuggets were eaten and several trips down the Playland slide we made our way over to the afteroon showing of Pixar's newest flick.... Wall e The boys seemed to really like it. Miss B was quite grouchy since it was nap time. After I finally got her to sleep then I could attempt to enjoy the show myself. And my grade on this movie.....C It was definetly not my favorite by them. I was a little disturbed that all of the people in the cartoon were so overweight and lazy! Maybe it's just cause I started watching late, but I'm not sure why they had to look like that. Does anyone know? But, my opinion isn't the one that really matters......the boys liked it, so.....worth it!!

Hope everyone is having a great week!!!


We had licorice for our dessert tonight.... Brooklyn LOVED it!! Can't ya tell???

Taken a Dip....

On Sunday my mom and I took the kids to Ross Park to do a little cooling off. The kids loved it of course. Brooklyn loves the water just as much as her older brothers! She splished and splashed till she finally crashed for her nap. The boys really enjoyed the slide and high fiving the lifeguards. I just love Miss B in her pink bikini! Girl are so much fun!!!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Pictures Galore.....

So, here's a lot of pictures to catch you all up. We had a great birthday party for the kids. The cakes were fabulous as ever. Jacksons was a chocolate fighter jet. He is obsessed with anything and everything to do with being a soldier. His personal hero is Uncle Kevin because that's what his job is. Jackson has been saying for over a year now that when he grows up he wants to be a soldier.

Brooklyn's cake was a whismical version of her favorite blanket. Her Grammy made it for her and B doesn't sleep without it. The cake looked exactly like the blanket! Great idea Paula!!

I've also put one pic each of football and TBall. The computer was being really slow at downloading pics tonight, so one of each is all you get for now....sorry...

Brooklyn had her 1 year old dr visit. She weighs a healthy 23 pounds now. She is starting to pull herself up a lot on the furniture. She has even been brave once or twice and used only one hand. So I'm sure standing alone and walking are just around the corner.

The kids are doing great as you can see. And hanging tough. Hope everyone is doing well too.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Happy Birthday!!!! baby is 7 today!! I can't believe it! Seven years ago today we had a 8 lb 13 oz baby boy at 12:13 am. He started out big, and continues to be big. Jackson was the most active kid I've met. He's kept me on my toes since he was little, and continues to do so now. I have so many favorite stories of Jackson, but one of my all time favorites I'll share. I think he was around 3. We had just moved into our home. My sister and Chad were over visiting as well as my mom. Jackson has always been my escape artist and this afternoon I couldn't find him. So a search party was sent out and everyone was looking. Outside, inside yelling his name. I was beginning to panic cause no one was finding him. I stopped and listened and heard a funny noise. I went to my bathroom to investigate. There was Jackson laying in the tub, bubbles and all, relaxing. He was so proud of himself for making his own bath. He's very good at giving his mom multiple heart attacks. We love you Jackson!!

Now......another birthday will be Monday...Miss B. One Years Old!!! How did that happen? My 6lb 10 oz so sweet baby girl has turned into a 23 lb screamin diva! She has discovered that the only form of communication she likes is screaming at the top of her lungs. She will do this for anything, if you're not feeding her fast enough, if you're not looking at her when she thinks you should, if her brothers are ignoring her, any reason at all. And wow can she scream! She obviously loves to eat! And she has been my least picky child of all. I absolutely adore her chubiness. She has the cutest tan lines in between her chub rolls on her arms. So when she straightens them out, you see white lines! So cute! I'm gonna try to capture a picture to remember them by! Happy Birthday sweet girl! We love you Brooklyn!!

I of course ordered them cakes from the amazing cake maker, so I'll post pictures of them this week.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Life is Changin.....

So some of the folks that read this may already know about the life changes going on with the Yearsley family. But, for those of you that may not know Jeff and I have been working through some problems over the last couple of years. And the last few months have been even more difficult and we have come to the decision that us going our separate ways is what is best for the both for us. We both realize that our attention needs to be on the kids and will continue to be the best of friends and devoted parents to our three fabulous kids.