It's been so long since my last post, but it's because we've been super super busy!! On the few days that we've had sunshine, we've made sure to soak it up!!! I'll post pictures on my next post, and there will be a lot just a heads up!!
TBall is in full swing!! (I'm so clever with words!! Ha Ha!!!) Both boys are doing so great!! Jackson's games are more fast paced then Kaden's so I do like that. Both of them seem to be enjoying it very much. Jackson is doing Football on Thursday nights. It's fun to see how he's improved since last year. He has done really well, getting an interception his first game and a making a freaking A*MAZE*ING catch for a touchdown his 2nd game!! You should see his little face light up! And of course his mommy is screaming and jumping up and down like a maniac!! Such a stage mom I know. You'd be embarrassed if you were sitting next to me. You should all feel sorry for my mom who usually is sitting next to me!
This last week we had Jason's girls for 3 days, so Jason cashed in a few vacation days and we made some fun fun plans. We went to Lagoon on Wednesday and had so much fun! The lines were virtually non existent and the weather was wonderful! We couldn't have asked for better really!! I think all the kids had a blast! The next day Thursday we went to the pool after Jackson's TBall game and spent a few hours swimming and soaking up more sun. (As evidenced by the super great sunburns Jason and I and Grandma are all sporting). Friday was rainy, so I bought some bead crafts for the kids and we stayed indoors after a quick run to the park for the free lunch.
Thank you sun for coming out for the last few days! We thoroughly enjoyed you!
Hope every ones summer is off to as good a start as ours! Stay tuned for pictures....I just have to find the time
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Lovin Summer!!!
Posted by Kris at 8:43 AM 2 comments
Friday, June 5, 2009
2 Thumbs Up!!!
Finished this last was really good!! Heart breaking to think what Afghan women go through.... I sure am thankful to live in the wonderful USA!!!!
Posted by Kris at 8:00 AM 2 comments
Thursday, June 4, 2009
This post contains A LOT of warned!!! We've been super busy but having oh so much fun lately!!!
T Ball started!! Each boy has 2 games a week. That's a lot of ball!!! I can only go to a few games, but since Jeff is not currently working, he is able to make it to every game, so the boys always have at least him and Miss B cheering them on!!! The grandparents each come when they can and the boys just eat the attention up!!! Jackson's game are especially entertaining because they actually get to get the kids out and keep score this year. It's amazing to see how much improvement he has made since he first started. This is Kaden's first year, but he's got a great arm on him and can hit really well too, so it's fun to watch him too!
2 weeks ago was my long weekend off with all the kids here. So we had a jam packed weekend planned. On Friday we all made the long drive to Boise to pick the girls up. We got them around lunch time, then stopped in Twin Falls on the way home at a park. It was good to stretch our legs and see my aunt and her girls. That Saturday we went to Idaho Falls with my mom and sister and her family and went to the zoo and park up there. The kids had a great time running around and seeing all the animals. Sunday brought church. Afterwards we went to the hummingbird banding in American Falls. Every May at a house just past Indian Springs a huge flock (I guess that's what it's called) of hummingbirds migrate and volunteers there weigh, measure, and band these teeny tiny creatures. They then let the kids hold them in their hands until they fly off. Sometimes the birds fly away quick, but sometimes they just sit in your hand for a bit. The kids thought this was so neat and I have to say that it was!!! My mom got some even better pictures, so I'll post some of those later.
Posted by Kris at 1:19 PM 3 comments
Last Day of School...Mr.Cool
I call this picture Mr Cool. This was on the last day of school last week. He has been bugging me everytime I take him for a haircut to dye his hair blue, so I being the awesomely hip mom that I am bought blue hair gel. I refused to walk around with a child with blue hair for weeks, so we chose the temporary choice. He has been loving mohawks lately, so this is what he looked like on the last day. No more 2nd grade, onto 3rd. The funny thing about this hair do of his...I cut it all off that afternoon.
Posted by Kris at 1:11 PM 0 comments