Friday, May 2, 2008

The Madness Continues......

So remember I asked for my sweet 3 year to return to me today?!?!? Yeah....not gonna happen. He has so far today.....smeared toothpaste all over the bathroom mirror, tried to wear my contacts, but dropped them in the garbage. (Do you know how much contacts are?!?!), got into my tinted moisturizer and used it like hand lotion, and played his game boy in the closet after pushing all of the towels out of the way.... Good Grief this kid has to stop!!! BUT, he has also crawled in my bed this morning, kissed me and said I love you, insisted that we wear our matching Red Bird shirts (until tinted moisturizer magically ended up on both of us), squeezed me around the neck and said Mom, I like you..... So I guess that'll make up for the mischief today.....

This is Miss B at lunch today.... that explains the messy face, but she was very happy and singing so I thought I'd try to capture a smile. It worked!!! She is so hard to get to smile sometimes! Plus, if you blow up the picture and look close, you can see her earrings!!!

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!! I'm at the hospital tommorrow, but it's all good cause my mind needs a break from the madness named......KADEN!!!


Angie said...

Wow, too funny! I love the closet picture. And those ear rings look adorable!

Soccer Mom said...

He has to be the busiest kid I know. (And I thought Brylee was busy!) Hang in there!!!!

Deb said...

They are all so very precious. Glad you have pictures because he won't believe you someday when you tell him all of the things he has done! Yep, he's making up for twins!!! All I can say is GOOOD LUCK!! I will say prayers of safety for all of you!

Pat said...

OK, he seems to be on quite the "naughty" streak. Let's hope Jeff has as much energy and patience as you do. I wonder if this is pybacks for the time you and Kevin and Bryan were in the bedroom and a little girl got a wonderful idea to decorate the walls............Hmmmm paybacks suck don't they? Hang in there and keep laughing, it beats murder.

Moon Light said...

Well, I knew there was a reason I shouldn't bug you with texting today =D Guess Kaden was it!! haha.... Yes, I have to 'ditto' your mom, these day will pass quickly and you will have other things to worry your 15 yr old going off camping with his friends and your daughters are off to Boise with their Aunt & Uncle! See you blink and their gone!
You are doing great! Enjoy, be wise with discipline and keep HIM first....

Trish said...

heehee...gotta love those 3 year olds!!