Thursday, May 1, 2008

Life continues......

So boy my blogging has slacked big time lately! Sorry everyone! Let me just catch you all up on life. Not much has been going on. Saturday was an absolutely gorgeous day. The kids played outside, Jeff mowed the lawn even! They had all the trampoline parts out and were going to put it together. So here's some pics from that day.......

Sunday after church we went and had dinner at Jeff's folks house in Marsh Valley. Jeff's mom was flying out Tuesday to go to North Carolina. Jeff's sister, Melissa had a baby last Thursday.... a baby girl!! Yeah! So Wanda was very excited to be able to see her second granddaughter! Sophie Nicole is precious! I'm so glad that now Brooklyn has a girl cousin on the other side of the family too!!

This is a pic from yesterday....It was cold and windy so the boys couldn't go outside, so we hauled out the crayons and markers instead! It was a big bummer to the boys cause we had been to the park a couple times after dinner this last week. So much to their dismay they had to stay indoors yesterday....

And this what we woke up to this morning!!! What the?!?!? SNOW!!! Come on!!! Jackson couldn't believe it! He walked to the window and said mom why did it have to snow??? I said son I'm asking myself the same thing! So my flip flops were replaced today with tennis shoes.... My toes are NOT happy!!!

Not much else is going on around here. Kaden has though decided that he is going to be a terror at the age of 3 instead of 2. Yesterday I came out of my room after getting dressed and he had so kindly made Brooklyn a bottle....with a quarter of a formula container!! Come on!!! Today he has already dumped out a container of salt all over the kitchen floor, dumped hand soap all over the bathroom counter, and wrote in my kitchen everywhere a three year old can reach with a magic marker!!! Grrrrrrrrr I have been scrambling to clean up every mess he makes today!!! I'm hoping he will go to bed tonight and wake up to be the sweet calm boy he was a couple days ago!!

I did try to take a pic of Miss B and her earrings, but it never turned out right. I had her pictures taken again at the studio yesterday, so I'm hoping that in one of them will be a good shot and I'll post that!


Deb said...

I have been waiting for your update...... I think that it is quite understandable why you got the pictures mixed up!!! I don't know how you keep up your schedule without having to chase an over-active three year old!!!! My he is acting like you and Kevin did together and he is only the power of one!!!!
Keep up the good work Kris! You are a great Mom and I love you very much.... I love you girls being grown and being Moms. It brings our relationships to a different level that I really enjoy!
God Bless you and your family!

Soccer Mom said...

Wow! He sure is being all BOY!!! But you are SUPER MOM and you may collapse at the end of the day, but you are still GREAT!!!! Keep up the good work!

Jeff Haynes said...

Whew!!! sounds like you have a household full of fun!!! Too bad about the crazy weather hope things even out there soon (with both the boy and th weather) Nice to see you are still alive and kicking though

Pat said...

Well you always said age 3 was much harder than 2. I know he seems like a demon during the day, but remember when all is quiet at night and you sneak a peek at him and Jackson in their room sleeping, what angels they are. And I know that you believe that too. So hang in there. Soon there will be a day when this has all passed and you will giggle at all of him little antics he pulled that Jackson DIDN'T do. 1 down, 1 currently involved, and only 1 to go right? Oh by the way, the teen years are harder. I will be here for you day or night. Love you all