Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Dinner is always so much more tasety when you having matching dishes, don't you think??? A friend from work picked these adorable plastic dish sets in 6 different colors from IKEA for the kids. And have they been popular at our house!!! Each set includes a cup, a plate, a bowl, and silverware to boot. Thanks Shirley for thinking of us!!!

(Brooklyn could barely stop shoving food in her mouth long enought to get a picture!! That girl I tell you LOVES her food!!!)

Friday, April 24, 2009


I haven't posted in a really really long time, so I'm warning all of you that there are a ton of pictures!!

When I was scrolling through my pictures, I found these...looks like the boys were being goofy with my glasses and the camera. They look pretty stinkin adorable in glasses though I think.

I couldn't find Miss B one day. After searching the house here is where I found her....asleep under the boys bed. She woke up just as I took the picture.

On the Saturday before Easter the kids and Jason went up to my sisters place for the afternoon. I had to work that weekend, so I was only able to be there for an hour or so. The kids had such a blast playing in the dirt, and having an egg hunt in Aunties house.

These are out of order, but this is the kids checkin out thier loot from the egg hunt on Easter Sunday. Teresa's family has this big get together and HUGE egg hunt. And the best part about this egg hunt??? They put money in the eggs!!! Alli got $17!!! Jackson had the second best with $11!! CRAZY!!! So, we've decided to pool the money for a Wii game we can all enjoy!!

All the kids waiting to start.....

Miss B in her Easter dress...she wouldn't stop long enough for a picture

The boys in their outfits. I did casual this year since I wouldn't be around to dress them up fancy.

Here is is falling in the dirt like a real cowboy. He was on and then very quickly off!!!

My little cow boy nervous before his ride.... Even though he fell off quick, it was a fun experience. We're proud of him!!
So that's what's been going on with us these last couple of weeks. The kids have been enjoying the sunny weather as much as possible. And now that I'm off for this weekend, it's supposed to be rainy and possible SNOW!!! How unfair, but I guess we'll try and make the best of it. I'll post pics of whatever we decide to do!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009


Well, this is hopefully what little K man will be doing tomorrow night. Holding on tight for dear life. He's so excited, I really hope he gets his chance to ride. Every one keep their fingers crossed for us please!! We'll let you know how it turns out and I will of course take some pictures of the little cow poke. He has his boots, hat, and Wrangler shirt all ready to go.....

Friday, April 3, 2009

Catching Up.....

Well, it's been a crazy week! We've had fun times and not so fun times! Let's see if I can give a quick re cap without boring everyone....

Last week was Spring Break for Jackson. I unfortunately had to work most of it, but I did have my usual Thursday and Friday off. So, Jason took those 2 days off and we were up for an adventure. My friend Kim and her kids had gone to Salt Lake for a little over nighter, so I decided why not go down for the day? So we brought my step sister Erica along for the fun and hit I 15 to Utah. The forcast called for snow, but we got so lucky and the weather was really great, just cold. We went to the Living Aquarium in Sandy Utah for a few hours, and then went to the Mayan Restaurant for dinner. The aquarium was so much fun!! The kids LOVED it! Jackson really liked the touch pond where you could touch a ray. Kaden tried, but his arms just weren't long enough. Such a fun place! We'll definetly head back sometime. Then it was onto the Mayan for an early dinner. I had heard stories of this place but had never been. And oh my heck, the kids just loved it. It's a mexican restaurant that has cliffs and pools and is decorated just like Mayan places. The best part is the show you get with the cliff jumpers that jump into the pool. So fun!!! At one point it sounded like a thunder storm and they made it seem like it was raining. The kids just thought it was amazing!

So Friday I had planned another day of fun just being together, and wouldn't you know it I woke up SICK and I mean sick! I have had a cold for 3 weeks now and on Friday it decided to turn into a whopper of a sinus infection! I had a fever, aches, my teeth hurt, the whole shebang. It was miserable. I finally agreed to see the dr, got on antibiotics, and slowly but surely I'm getting back to normal. I have never in my life been sick for a whole month!!

Monday I got a call from the babysitter and Miss B had a fever, so I took her in and she had an ear infection. So now that she's on antibiotics and doing better, I'm hoping that we can return to our healthy selves!!

Jasons girls were with us this last weekend, and it happened to be his oldest Alli's birthday. She turned the big 10. So we had an afternoon of skating, pizza, and laser tag, then home for cake and presents. Jason had decided to get her a singing disney game for the Wii. What a hit!! The kids have played it non stop since! It is hilarious to listen to them belting out Hannah Montana and High School Musical.

And finally, the big new in Kaden's life.....he drew to be an alternate for the Mutton Buston at the Dodge Rodeo in town next weekend. It'll be Friday Night April 10th. So if you're there, be sure to watch for him. He is so excited, I just hope he gets a chance to ride. His grandpa is quite excited too!!

So that's us this last little while.....