Thursday, February 28, 2008

My little Fish

Here are some pictures finally from the boys at swimming. They just love it! They are usually the last ones outta the pool! I haven't quite decided it I'm going to sign them up for next month too. I'm not sure if I'm up to it or not! Not much has gone on this week. Life as usual. The kids are all pretty much better from whatever it was they had recently. They each have a little bit of a cough left but no big deal. They are back to running around as usual! Hope everyone is doing well!!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Here we are

Well, sorry that it's been such a long time in between posts! I warned ya though! But there has been a few outside influences that have prevented me from jumping on and updating everyone! One of them being my trip to Boise. Sister and I had a good time. She was pretty sick while we were there. She did amazingly well at the conference for feeling cruddy! She was worse at nights, that would explain why I was driving around Boise at midnight one night trying to get her to sleep! It worked, she did and back I went to the hotel! The other thing that have been roadblocks this weeks have been the fact that all of my kids have been this weekend! Jackson seems to have shaken it, Baby B is on her way to recovery, and Kaden is bringing up the rear. I stayed home with him today, so hopefully I can get him feeling better by tommorrow! And the last thing that has happened over the last week computer crashed! I called Dell yesterday and they had to do a factory needless to say all of my pictures that were there are gone now..... I was emotional at first, but figured, hey...lesson learned, get a backup hard drive right? So our week has been quite eventful with everything! But, I'm praying that this week will be a ton better! Hope all of you are staying healthy!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


I realized after getting the kids ready for church that they were all wearing red, so I saw a photo opportunity..... It's so hard to get three kids to look at the camera at the same time....especially with the horrible delay my camera has! So....I decided to take 2 out of 3 kids looking at the camera and smiling...... I do have to say that they are pretty darn adorable!! But....I have to say that right?!?!

Ta Da!!!!

Well, here it is....... We got a 2007 Dodge Durango......We just couldn't bring ourselves to do the mini van thing. They told us that the gas milage isn't really that different, so we'll see. After I fill this sucker up a couple times I'll decide if it was worth it or not!!! Any one want to donate to the Yearsley gas fund? :) This week will be a busy one...the kids have swim lessons Mon and Wed. Brooklyn and I are leaving for Boise on Wed afternoon so I can attend a perinatology conference. It'll be nice to get away for a few days! So if the posts are short, that's why... Jackson doesn't have school tomorrow. He was excited about that! He gets to go to Daycare all day, which basically means he gets to play gamecube with his buddy all day! Fun!

My dad told me a funny story about Jackson today from yesterday. He watched the boys for us while we went and signed our life away! I guess he had taken the boys to his friends house to feed their horses, well the house is a Log house. Jackson told grandpa how he was sad that his friends were poor cause they could only afford a house of Lincoln Logs. Kids say the funniest things sometimes!

Hope everyone has a fabulous week!!

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Our daily dose of Vitamin C

Saturday....Whoo Hoo!!! It's my first Sat off in like 6 weeks! Oranges can make for some good pictures! I remember a specific picture of my brother, sister, and I with orange wedges stuck in our mouth....If I could find it I would post it cause it's one of my favorites!! No big plans this weekend really, although Jeff and I are car shopping. It's come to the point where we don't have a choice and must get something bigger! It's just a matter of finding what we want for the price we want.......I'll let ya know how it turns out...Hope everyone has a spectacular weekend!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Luv Day!!

Happy Valentines day to everyone!!! These are the presents the kids got for the special day. They all got a card, and the Alvin and the Chipmunks soundtrack. Brooklyn got the singing dragon from Hallmark. The boys each got a Webkinz. Kadens is the monkey and Jacksons is the lepard. He had just told me that last week that the lepard was his favorite animal, so it worked out perfectly that I found one! Jackson has a party at school and Kaden has a party at Daycare, so everyone is super excited. By the way I forgot to mention that Brooklyns first tooth came in on Monday night. She's growing up! Today she is 7 months old!!! Hope everyone has a fantastic Valentine's Day!!!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Ordinary Life

Not much going on this week......I was very excited to see the sun shining yesterday, I opened all my blinds, we even BBQd steaks on the grill for dinner! I'm so in need of Spring, but then I look out the windows today and it's SNOWING!!! What?!? Say it isn't so!!! Maybe it won't stay! I can only hope! I was looking forward to afternoons at the park with the boys....guess that will have to wait! We filled out the boys Valentines last night. Valentines was always one of my favorite holidays at school. I just loved opening every little card. I remember that I would keep them for a couple weeks after the party and look at them all the time. I hope my kids enjoy it just as much as I did! I got the kids presents last night. I'll post pictures with them tomorrow. Can't wait to see their little faces. Aren't presents great? Just a quick funny story from Sunday.....Jackson and sister and I went to Petco to get some dog food for Molly. They have a treat bar where you can pick out some treats for your pets to purchase. So I told him to go ahead and pick out a some treats for her. He especially liked the way that these cookies for dogs looked, they even had creme filling. So sure put it in the bag and we'll get it. So we purchased a sack of treats and took them home to her. When we got there I let him give her one, but only one and put the rest away. About an hour later I went looking for the treats, couldn't find them any where.....Asked Jackson where's the treats? In his hand he had something as well as some crumbs on his cheek....after asking him what he had he pulls his hand within sight.....its the dog cookie with creme filling.......Are you kidding me? But it's really good mom.....Right.....

Sunday, February 10, 2008

All Dressed Up

These are a couple pictures from Booklyn all dressed up for church today. Thanks Susie for the dress!!! This weekend was slow and easy. I had to work yesterday. Today was pizza for lunch after church. Jackson has been playing Harvest Moon on the gamecube most of the day. Kaden is just running around like a mad man snacking on anything he can!! That kid likes to eat! The sun is shining today, maybe we'll take a walk later. Most of our snow has melted off. Molly will actually go outside now cause our grass is showing now! Hope everyone has a great first of the week!

Friday, February 8, 2008

Two in One Day!!

Wow!! Two entries on the same day! I'm pretty impressed with myself! I survived the trip to the grocery store and Walmart amazingly enough for those of you that were wondering!! I wanted to post the new pictures of Brooklyn that I had taken a few weeks ago. I just got them today, so I thought I'd share a few of the favorites. Easier then sending one to everyone.......

This one is my favorite................

Dr. Day.....

Yesterday was a windy cold day! We only left the house in the morning to run to the Drs office for Brooklyn and Kaden. They are both doing fabulous! Yesterday was little rough due to shots though! I seriously contemplated putting my head in the toilet and flushing so I wouldn't have to listen to Kaden crying anymore! He cried for an hour straight about his owie leg!!! Death by three year old is what the headline would read!! Kaden weighs 38 lbs now and Brooklyn weighs 20 lbs and is 27 inches long. Guess I better come up with another car seat for her. I'm just not sure how to squish in a bigger seat to our little car! We better start shopping for a new vehicle. Let me tell you how excited I am for another car payment! HA! Well, today is grocery store day..Yippee!! Nothing like shopping with 2 kids, but I just don't think I can put it off any longer! We'll be eating cereal 3 meals a day if I don't.........

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Our poor rat terrier Molly just HATES the snow!! I opened the front door this morning to let her out and she popped her head out the door and promptly turned around to come back in the house! I finally coaxed her outside, thankfully! Its snowing here today and supposed to continue through tomorrow. Tonight we have swim lessons. The boys are just loving it and I'm just loving that they fall into bed and go right to sleep after! I'll post some pictures if I can sneak in tonight and snap some. The rec center has some nazi rule about parents staying in the room behind the glass, but I'll see if I can get in. Hope everyone is staying warm in this chilly weather!

Friday, February 1, 2008

Pics by Grandma

We went to Blackfoot today and spent the afternoon with Kassandra, Paxton, Tessa, and Grandma. I had to see some patients in Blackfoot tonight at bedtime, so we went up early to have pictures taken and eat dinner wtih them at Rupe's. Rupe's is a burger joint a la 50s so the kids always enjoy it! Plus the adults love the killer burgers, so everyone walks away happy!

The kids did great smiling. We even got a rare shot of Brooklyn sort of smiling. She's a pretty stoic kid, so to catch a grin is good! This is a picture of her in a dress that my mom wore when she was about this age.

Those brothers just love baby sister! We all think she's pretty great! Our gift from above.......

A rare moment when all the kids are sitting still and looking at the camera (sort of)...... There is never a dull moment when you get all five of these kidos together. Someone is usually always crying, or screaming, or yelling, or fighting, but it's such a great blessing that we can live so close by that the kids can grow up together. Built in best friends I say........